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Helping to make a difference.
TBF is all about helping people, people in the public transport industry - helping to improve members’ work-life balance and reduce staff turnover for the employer.
Anyone engaged in the public transport industry in Great Britain is eligible to join TBF.
Membership costs just £1 a week, deductible through the company payroll facility. There are no different levels of membership - the £1 a week is a flat-rate membership fee giving the member and their family access to the extensive range of benefits should need, hardship, or distress arise.
£1 a week not only covers the member, but also their partner and dependent children. Offering a wide range of financial, health, and welfare benefits to the whole family, including prescription prepayment certificates, complementary and alternative therapies, medical consultations, scans and tests, help towards the cost of laser eyesight correction, convalescence, debt advice, legal help on non-employment matters, and also bereavement grants.
TBF has been helping public transport employees for over 95 years and currently has more than 60,000 members, making it the fastest growing charity exclusive to the industry. The Fund’s work is best illustrated by the volume of awards to members; during 2017, TBF paid out over £2.5million in benefits to its members.
Transport Benevolent Fund CIO, known as TBF, is a registered charity in England and Wales, 1160901, and Scotland, SC047016.