
Click on the award categories below to view people who have been nominated for this year's RailStaff Awards.

Have a read through to see who you would like to win, then once the voting opens you can click on 'vote now' to let the judges know your favourite.


This award is intended to recognise the outstanding contributions of individuals new to the rail industry who have gained early and exceptional professional or civic achievements.

Example job titles in this category:

HSEQ Business Partner Apprentice, Apprentice Signalling Designer, Supply Chain Apprentice, Trainee Train Driver, Degree Apprentice Project Manager, Trainee Train Service Manager...

You can see all the past winners here.

Antonia Barraclough

Company Name
West Midlands Trains
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I am honoured to nominate Antonia for the Apprentice of the Year award. Despite facing significant challenges, including the difficulties of lockdown and an extended Break from training due to this and a life-altering medical issues, Antonia has demonstrated unwavering dedication, resilience, and a remarkable drive for knowledge. Throughout the lockdown, Antonia faced numerous difficulties , yet she remained committed to her apprenticeship, proactively reviewing material and routes. Her ability to adapt to the sudden changes and continue her learning journey with determination was truly inspiring. Even more impressive, Antonia has navigated personal medical challenges, which were life changing due to the fitting of a Stoma with courage and grace. Despite these setbacks, she has not allowed her circumstances to hinder her progress or dampen her spirit. Antonia's commitment to her apprenticeship is evident in her consistent effort to excel and her engagement in the apprenticeship and has shown a remarkable capacity for learning and an eagerness to acquire new skills. Her perseverance through tough times and her dedication to her craft set her apart as a truly exceptional apprentice. In addition to her technical knowledge Antonia brings a positive attitude and a strong work ethic with her engagement in reviews. She contributes to a collaborative work environment. Her resilience, determination, and passion for her work make her a role model for other apprentices. In conclusion, Antonia’s journey is a testament to her strength, dedication, and unwavering pursuit of excellence. She is an exemplary candidate for the Apprentice of the Year award, and I wholeheartedly support her nomination.
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Lara Marks

Company Name
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It is with great pride and admiration that I nominate Lara for the prestigious title of Apprentice of the Year. Lara's journey throughout her apprenticeship has been nothing short of inspirational, marked by unwavering dedication, resilience, and remarkable growth. From the outset, Lara exhibited a thirst for knowledge and a willingness to learn that set her apart. Despite initial challenges, her determination never wavered. Over time, we have witnessed her confidence blossom, her skills sharpen, and her passion for her chosen field ignite. Lara's commitment to excellence has been evident in every aspect of her apprenticeship. She has approached each task with diligence and enthusiasm, consistently exceeding expectations and delivering results that speak volumes about her talent and dedication. What truly sets Lara apart, however, is her ability to go above and beyond the call of duty. Not content with simply meeting the requirements of her apprenticeship, Lara has sought out opportunities for growth and development at every turn. She has actively sought feedback, embraced constructive criticism, and utilized every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. As a result, Lara has not only surpassed the expectations of her apprenticeship but has done so with distinction. Her contributions have been invaluable to our team, and her positive attitude and infectious enthusiasm have left an indelible mark on all who have had the pleasure of working with her. In nominating Lara for Apprentice of the Year, I have every confidence that she will continue to excel and inspire others with her passion, determination, and unwavering commitment to excellence. She is a shining example of the incredible potential that lies within our apprenticeship program, and I am honored to have played a part in her journey.
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Do you work with someone who truly has a heart of gold? Someone who makes a difference in the world of Rail just because they have a heart of gold? Charity and compassion is about caring for each other and we wanted to highlight those who have this message at heart.

Nominate that person who puts colleagues and commuters first, goes the extra mile, raises money for charity, is selfless, and is always first to help out.

We want to hear about these special people so they can be celebrated. Anyone who works in the Rail industry can be nominated in this category. The charity they have raised money for does not need to be a Rail based charity.

You can see all the past winners here.

Billy (William) Walker

Company Name
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Billy has gone above and beyond to raise funds for St Luke's Hospice in Cheshire in memory our beloved colleague Yin-Kin Wu who sadly passed away last year due to cancer. YK (as he was affectionately known) was a driver at our Eastleigh depot before moving to our Crewe depot. He was respected and loved by all who met and knew him. Billy has raised over £4000 by arranging a charity memorial Summer Ball in YK's honour at Eastleigh football club, raffled lots of prizes and auctioned signed sporting memorabilia to raise the cash. The amount of effort and dedication that Billy has put in to this deserves recognition. The evening was a great sucess and was thoroughly enjoyed by all that attended. Billy is one of the nicest people I have ever met and would like for him to be recognised for all his hard work and dedication to such a great cause. The attached photo shows Billy presenting YK's sister (Hilary) with a memorial plaque of YK doing the job that he absolutely loved which Billy had had made especially for her.
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Matthew Greenwood

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
We would like to nominate Carlisle Support Services’ Nothern Contract Manager Matthew Greenwood for raising over £18,000 for Children’s Heart Surgery Fund (CHSF) by dipping in cold freezing water for a minimum of 2 mins every single day throughout January for the past two years in outside temperatures of down to –6°C. Besides the significant amount of money, he was able to raise, Matt was also able to generate a remarkable amount of awareness, making it into the news several times and being broadcasted live on ITV News as evidenced in the following video: Eleven years ago, Matt’s youngest daughter Lauren had open heart surgery at Leeds General Infirmary in the first few days of her life. During this time, his family experienced a wide array of support from the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund (CHSF) including parent accommodation throughout Lauren’s time in hospital. This support alleviated the stress of consistently travelling to and from the hospital during her treatment. Following this support all those years ago, Matt launched a ‘Wheelie Bin Cold Dip Challenge’ to raise money and help other families in need like his was. The challenge involved taking a cold dip for 2 minutes every single day throughout January which increased by 15 seconds every single day. Following his amazing success in raising £8,000 in 2023, Matt made it his mission to take the challenge to the next level in 2024 by involving his family, friends and fellow colleagues from within the rail industry. In doing so, he remarkably convinced 70 people of all ages from 11 to 74 to join the cause and raise an outstanding £10,140 as well as a remarkable amount of awareness for the charity. This saw 33 guest dippers join him in person as well as 37 remote dippers from across the UK who are now known as the official ‘Bradford Bin Dippers’. At Leeds General Infirmary where Lauren was treated, the Congenital Heart Unit is supported by the work of CHSF who help facilitate and supply the ward with emotional, financial and practical support for families affected. The charity does great work over the region as it also supports 19 regional clinics alongside the hospital and a Cardiac Nurse Specialist at St. Luke’s Hospital in Bradford. Matt has made the news several times and has been named Fundraiser of the Month by the Children's Heart Surgery Fund.
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Michael King

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Michael works tirelessly to organise an Easter egg collection every year for the children at the local hospital. this year over 600 were collected and delivered. He also organises a food bank collection at Christmas, this has proved to be such a huge success every year, with more and more being collected. This has been fantastic for local food banks, he was able to distribute to 3 this year as there was so much collected, one of which might have to have closed because the donations were wearing thin until Michael delivered a huge donation to them. He does all of this off of his own back and initiative. Greater Anglia has been very supportive of this venture but Michael is the driving force behind it, without him it wouldn't happen. I feel very privileged to help Michael in this every year and thoroughly enjoy the reception we get when delivering the food or eggs. I would love Michael to receive recognition for this and all his efforts.
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Tracey Cheung

Company Name
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The reason why I’m nominating Tracey is, as I appreciate all the efort that she is putting in all charity work. I support her completely. Well done Tracey!
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Do you know someone who has amazing customer services skills in challenging situations and incidents by demonstrating a cool head?

Example job titles in this category:

Train Presentation Supervisor, Rail Coordinator, Customer Services Assistant, Oyster Helpline CSA, Training Coordinator, Administrator, Community Relations Manager, Roster Clerk, Planning Manager, Security Operations Manager, On Board Service Manager, Customer Host, Train Manager, Train Guard, Station Officer, Team Leader...

You can see all the past winners here.

Cambridge Ticket Office clerks

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Cambridge Ticket Office clerks form a team of 17 outstanding individuals who excel in customer service. In 2023 as a team they sold in excess of 650,000 tickets to destinations across the whole of the UK. There are a few language schools in Cambridge and the clerks regularly work out deals for large groups of sometimes 100 customers or more. Their geographical knowledge of the United Kingdom and the various routing restrictions is second to none. They are a diverse bunch of people with a cluster of skills including10+ languages between them, ranging in age from early 20s to late 60s and between them have over 250 years of railway working experience. They work extremely well as a team and are the pinnacle of clerks here at Greater Anglia. Despite all of the uncertainty over the past year regarding whether or not Ticket Offices would survive, the team have remained upbeat and always keep the customer at the forefront of their minds. When the news was announced that the culling of the Ticket Offices had been revoked, so many customers came in to express their delight and the clerks are thanked multiple times daily by customers who are impressed by the service and return time and time again. There is no customer service if you have no customers and the number of tickets sold day in day out by this fantastic team supports the fact that they are simply the best.
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Humaas Shakeel

Company Name
Northern Trains / Amulet Security
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
In the early hours of 21st March 2024, Security officer Humaas Shakeel was conducting his routine patrols at Manchester Victoria station, as part of these patrols that occur through the night Humaas is tasked to search the station whilst ensuring anyone passing through the station is given the highest standard of customer service and given any information they require to assist them. During the early hours whilst Humaas was patrolling and searching the station he became aware of a female with a pushchair sat down on the benches within the station, concerned for her welfare and given it was at this point the early hours of the morning Humaas reached out to gauge if she was ok and how he could best support. The female confirmed she was homeless and had no where to stay for the night, Humaas noticed two young children with the female and was immidiately concerned for all of their safety and made the decision to allow the young family to remain in the station, warm and safe where he could monitor them throughout the night. With Humaas attempting to make contact with Police he then made the selfless decision to order the family some warm food to keep them going until the morning with Humaas accepting a delivery and taking the family three large meals much to the happiness of the children’s mother who couldn’t thank Humaas enough for his generosity and kind gesture. Humaas not only monitored the family whilst present but went above and beyond expectations showing empathy, understanding and ultimately doing the right thing in putting others first at their time of need. Having watched back the footage of the interaction we was amazed and proud to see one of our officers displaying such traits and showing the softer side of a role which can often be extremely challenging and dangerous. A selfless act from fantastic individual who genuinely cares for others around him.
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London Bridge / Carlisle Support Services Team

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Our team Ahmed Nunow, Alfred Opoku, Michelle Cummings-Hutchinson, Aimee Yates , Chenelle Phillips, Olayinka Olaleye, Rhianna Harrison-Yates, Joana Amoh, Ombretta Edie, and Mourad Abada was honoured to be part of the historic moment as Arriva Rail London ran their first trial for Overground service to run into London Bridge. The energy from our passengers was great as they were able to experience ARL’s service into this iconic station. We are incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication that our team put in to make this moment special for all involved. It’s moments like these that remind us why we do what we do - to provide a seamless and reliable service for our Client and a journey passengers will always remember. The team have worked previously together including events, ensuring passengers receive a world-class service, and they take pride in always delivering. When the Team work together they regularly receive great feedback from passengers and colleagues for the support they give. The team have been identified for several awards which include Superstar awards within Carlisle. Well done to the Team and keep up the great work!
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Lorraine Portnow

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I would like to nominate Lorraine for Customer Service Person of the year because she is awesome, I had the pleasure of working with Lorraine when I worked at Harlow Town, this woman is a force to be reckoned with she is always there trying to help people out, always trying to make peoples journey's more pleasurable with her excellent customer service skills, nothing is too much, she'll be there during disruption helping people and even if its just a nod she makes you feel like she cares (which she does) she is a credit to the company always happy to help with a smile
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Ontrak UK Limited, UK

Company Name
Ontrak UK Limited
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Ontrak Recruitment & Training is an exceptional organisation, who demonstrate outstanding dedication to providing top-notch customer service in the railway industry. Their commitment to excellence, professionalism and innovation sets them apart from their competitors in the field. One of the primary reasons Ontrak Recruitment & Training deserves to be nominated for the Customer Service Team Award is their unwavering dedication to their clients and candidates. They consistently go above and beyond in their organization, planning, teamwork and management in various projects and events, to ensure the safety of the passengers and candidates are met through their daily travel plans. Ontrak take part in a crucial role when dealing with passenger accessibility. We cover over 35 locations and stations where our staff provide efficient and effective ramp and welfare assistance to the passengers on a 24-hour basis. Ontrak ensure that the passengers receive personalised attention and support they need, to maintain a smooth travel experience throughout their day, and work closely with the clients to explore new ways to enhance the customer service experience and improve the services they offer. By prioritizing a customer-centric philosophy, implementing effective strategies, investing in employee training, actively seeking and acting upon customer feedback, and understanding the broader impact of exceptional service, Ontrak has set the standard for customer service excellence in the recruitment and railway industry. As the company continues to evolve and grow, their commitment to exceptional customer service will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of their success.
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Paul Chappell, Alex Kerr, Chirag Patel and Nick Jones

Company Name
Network Rail High Speed
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I would love to nominate Chirag Patel (Route Facilities Manager), Paul Chappell (Shift Station Supervisor), Alex Kerr (Shift Station Manager) and Nick Jones (Station Control Assistant) for saving the life of their colleague, Abrar Ahmed (Station Control Assistant), who suffered a heart attack while they were working on shift together at St Pancras International station on 15 November 2023. Chirag, Paul, Alex and Nick – demonstrated a remarkable amount of courage, strength and professionalism through their actions that day, which in turn, saved Abrar’s life. They are the definition of heroes and I hope through the award nomination below – they are given the recognition they truly deserve for their bravery. While on shift, Abrar reported feeling severe chest pains and advised his fellow control room colleague - Nick, of this. Nick swiftly called an ambulance and made the on-duty Shift Station Manager, Alex, aware of this. The team arranged for Abrar to be transferred to the first aid room to look after him further where they had a defibrillator on standby and waited for the ambulance to arrive. The team escalated the call when they noticed that Abrar's symptoms had started to worsen. A motorcycle paramedic attended following their call and diagnosed Abrar's symptoms as a heart attack. Shortly after, Abrar went into cardiac arrest and was resuscitated by the paramedic with help from his colleagues, Paul and Chirag. Abrar was then taken to hospital under blue lights, accompanied by Chirag, with Alex needing to inform Abrar’s family of this news – no call any colleague should have to make. Thankfully, later in the evening, following emergency heart surgery, the team received the news that they had all been praying to hear. Abrar was stable, awake, and resting in hospital. Chirag stayed by Abrar’s side at hospital until midnight, comforting his family when they arrived through the most terrible time – and even drove Abrar’s car home from work so that it was one less thing his family needed to worry about. Chriag continued to visit Abrar even once he was discharged from hospital, to ensure that his recovery was going well. Abrar has since made a full recovery which the team are thrilled about, and he had this to say about his colleagues who saved his life: “My life was saved by the great team work and quick action of my colleagues. I am very grateful to my colleagues and owe my life to them. I was told by the doctors that I had only a 6% chance to survive if my colleagues had not done what they did on that day. For me and my family, my colleagues truly are my heroes.”
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Peter Campbell

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Peter has shown exceptional leadership skills and dedication to ensuring the success of Barking Riverside Overground Station. Peter was involved in the opening of the station and has had many achievements while working at the Station including receiving 100% for the SIS scores, His commitment to providing excellent customer service and ensuring the station runs smoothly is truly commendable. He is a valuable asset to the team and deserves to be recognized for his hard work and dedication. Well done Peter.
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Stanstead Airport Ticket Office Team

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I would like to nominate Stansted Airport Ticket Office Staff. I am Ticket Office Supervisor and I joined the Team in January 2023. I was from the beginning warm welcomed and I received massive support. I enjoy coming to work because I know it will be always a day full of enjoyment. Unfortunately October 2023 my husband has been diagnosed with kidney cancer. It was massive shock for both of us because my husband was never ill. He is very strong person but this time he totally gave up to fight. I had to stay strong for myself and him. Managers offered to take days off but I refused because the workplace was the only place I could still live a normal life. Ticket Office Staff supported me every single day. They kept me going, fight, stay strong, laugh and don't give up. Being around work colleagues, I felt strong and I believed everything would be ok. My husband had a kidney removed and he is fully recovered. I couldn't dream of a better Team. Everybody who has problems in our team gets support. We all have different characters for being understanding it makes us the Perfect Team. Is nice to work in the workplace and you feel your problems are their problems and you always get support. I couldn't asked for better Team!!!!
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Tyreece Hewitt

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Tyreece is an ambassador. He stands out and he has so much potential in the railway.
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This award is intended to recognise individuals and teams who have helped highlight the importance of Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion within the rail industry.

Example job titles in this category:

EDI, Advocate, Culture and Engagement Business Partner, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, Diversity and Inclusion Lead, Equality Specialist...

You can see all the past winners here.

Carolyn Robins

Company Name
Hitachi Information Control Systems Europe Ltd
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I am pleased to nominate Carolyn Robins for the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Awards at the Rail Staff Awards 2024. Carolyn has shown exceptional leadership in bringing the HICSE EDI policy to life through several impactful initiatives, significantly enhancing our workplace culture, promoting inclusivity, and fostering mental well-being. Under Carolyn's guidance, our staff intranet now features a dedicated EDI section and a Wellness Corner, providing easy access to a wealth of resources and information. This initiative has greatly improved awareness and accessibility of support services for employees. Carolyn played a crucial role in implementing Trained Mental Health First Aiders at each site. These professionals offer immediate support and assistance, ensuring mental well-being is prioritised across all locations. This initiative has created a supportive environment where mental health is openly addressed. Recognising the importance of mental well-being, Carolyn established Quiet Corners in each office. These designated spaces allow employees to step away from work and recharge in a peaceful environment, significantly contributing to their mental health and well-being. The EDI Newsletter, another of Carolyn's initiatives, is a quarterly publication featuring insightful articles from staff and external experts. It serves as a platform for ongoing education and engagement with EDI topics, fostering continuous learning and dialogue within Hitachi. Carolyn also collaborated with the wider Hitachi Group and rail partners to deliver a Multimedia Programme. This collection of webinars, podcasts, vlogs, articles, and support materials provides employees with diverse EDI content, catering to different learning preferences. Additionally, Carolyn was instrumental in forming the Positive Impacts Group (P.I.G.). This group, comprising staff from various regions, focuses on collaboration, engagement, and support for EDI initiatives and new staff programmes. By leveraging the collective voices of our employees, P.I.G. fosters a positive, inclusive, and understanding workplace aligned with our organisational values. Through these initiatives, Carolyn has advanced our EDI project, promoting mental health, fostering inclusivity, and driving continuous learning and engagement. Her dedication and innovative approach have built a more equitable and supportive community within and outside our organisation. For her outstanding contributions and tireless efforts in promoting EDI, I wholeheartedly support Carolyn's nomination for the EDI Awards at the Rail Staff Awards 2024. She embodies the spirit of equality, diversity, and inclusion, making a lasting impact on our organisation and beyond.
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Vanessa Wragg

Company Name
Network Rail
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Vanessa Wragg, project manager at Network Rail and co-chair of Inspire, Network Rail’s gender equality employee network Vanessa consistently uses her platform to showcase the rail industry's spectrum, while promoting, developing and inspiring individuals across the rail sector - particularly through her work on gender equity in the industry. Her involvement in the planning for future stages of the East Coast Digital Programme – a landmark scheme set to introduce in-cab digital signalling on the southern part of the East Coast Main Line - underscores her commitment to innovation and creating a more integrated and robust network. Specifically, Vanessa leads Britain’s first dedicated European Train Control System (ETCS) technical support team; a pivotal role in advancing ETCS operations. Her exceptional leadership focusses on the immediate operational enhancements as well as fostering collaboration across the industry. Vanessa's emphasis on collaboration is shaping Network Rail’s Eastern region’s approach to ETCS management and she is instrumental in influencing the trajectory of the railway's future. For diagnosis in the ETCS world to be successful, Network Rail, train operators and others must work together. Vanessa is forging those connections and proving it’s not a blame game. Vanessa is also a co-chair for Inspire, Network Rail's gender equality employee network and the biggest employee network at the company with more than 2,200 members. In this role, she tackles issues associated with gender equality, while challenging senior leaders to make informed decisions and hosting impactful events. Recent discussion topics have included pornography in the workplace, sexual harassment, female-fit PPE and period dignity. In fact, she was instrumental in Inspire’s work with the equity, diversity and inclusion team to roll out female-fit PPE and period products across the company. And her proactive engagement with executive leaders showcases her commitment to making the industry a great place to work for everyone. Vanessa's accomplishments include organising and hosting Inspire’s 10th anniversary conference, which was attended by 130 people and had the participation of senior leaders including Network Rail’s chief executive. It attracted press coverage by Modern Railways and New Civil Engineer - which ran an article written by Vanessa with her byline - and was promoted on Network Rail's national social accounts, notably LinkedIn, which has more than 290,000 followers. Feedback from delegates: “You created a wonderful, safe space where attendees felt they were able to be there full selves and share some personal experiences.” “Renewed encouragement to continue.” “Renewed sense of purpose and confidence, solidarity with female colleagues and allies, sense of being heard and having my viewpoints respected and potentially used to shape change.” Vanessa appeared in and co-produced a new Inspire film - premiered at the conference, to spread the word of Inspire, highlight its achievements and encourage more people to join, including non-Network Rail employees. It's part of her work to encourage greater collaboration across rail, engineering and infrastructure to achieve gender equity together. Watch the film (Vanessa appears in PPE at 0:19 seconds in): Michelle Handforth, former managing director of Network Rail’s Wales and
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This award is intended to recognise the outstanding contributions of individuals new to the rail industry who have gained early and exceptional professional or civic achievements.

Example job titles in this category...

Graduate Engineer, Graduate Project Manager, Graduate Electrical Engineer....

You can see all the past winners here.

Samuel Roberts

Company Name
Network Rail
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Since joining Network Rail on the General Management Graduate Scheme in September 2023, Sam has become a highly regarded and valued member of the WCS Operations team. In his short time with us so far, Sam has demonstrated that he is highly capable, flexible, conscientious, hardworking, and output driven. Since September, Sam has had a number of placements within Network Rail where he has made meaningful improvements to how we operate the network including: Resourcing - working extensively with the WCS resourcing manager in developing of a novel PowerBI solution to analyse roster productivity for signallers and MOMs System Operator - supporting the co-ordination and assurance of workforce readiness and resilience activities on a national level Recruitment - playing a pivotal role in the development and delivery of a new approach to attraction and selection for managerial staff Operational Projects - supporting the delivery of a cross-industry trial of GPS technology within the operational environment Sam's willingness and capacity for learning, coupled with a desire to practice and embed the knowledge he gains, exemplifies the value of graduate schemes within our industry. Looking forward, we have no doubt that Sam will continue to add to his accomplishments during the remainder of his graduate scheme, and has a very bright future ahead of himself within the rail industry.
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Poor physical or mental health can destroy lives even faster than a workforce injury.

The Health & Wellbeing award is to recognise those who have promoted great practices in this area with innovative and proactive activities and interventions and have enabled people to lead healthier and happier lives as a result.

Let's help save lives and make the industry a healthier and happier place.

Example job titles in this category:

Health & Wellbeing Promotions Manager, Health and Wellbeing Partner, Mental health advocate, Incident Care Team Voluntary, Occupational Health technician...

You can see all the past winners here.

First Rail Consultancy Health & Wellbeing Working Group

Company Name
First Rail Consultancy
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Since its inception in 2021, First Rail Consultancy’s (FRC) Health and Wellbeing Working Group (H&WWG) has worked tirelessly to ensure its colleagues have the tools to lead healthier and happier lives, not just at work but at home too. Whether raising awareness for sensitive issues including pregnancy loss, sharing information about support systems like our employee assistance programme and Mental Health First Aiders, or encouraging colleagues to get active through ‘Movement Challenges’, the H&W champions go far beyond their day jobs to make FRC a healthier and happier place to work. The twice-yearly ‘Movement Challenges’ bring colleagues together to cover a certain distance in May, and considering the darker November days, to exercise a certain number of hours. The team has virtually travelled the length of Great Britain and the Orient Express route. The challenges have had a huge impact, jumpstarting colleagues’ fitness journeys into running the London Marathon, swimming the Great North Swim and participating in several parkruns. The H&WWG prides itself on its inclusivity – the focus isn’t on clocking up miles but about enjoying the journey, with prizes available for most interesting activity and best photo. One colleague said: “The challenge prompted me to be mindful of every movement I made. Instead of relying on my car for short trips I opted to walk, not only enhancing my fitness but also reducing costs and pollution. It significantly improved my fitness and left me feeling mentally sharper and more resilient.” The H&WWG also organises ‘Grab a Brew’, randomly pairing colleagues to get to know each other better over a cuppa. Colleagues value this initiative as an opportunity to step away from work and connect with team members they might not typically interact with. Recently the H&WWG collaborated with FRC’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) working group to celebrate Neurodiversity Week, hosting presentations, sharing valuable resources and personal stories. The impact of this week left cannot be underestimated; with a colleague saying: “I thought I understood what being neurodiverse meant [...] I was wrong. Reading the symptoms of ADHD, I felt my whole world turn upside down. It was like reading a description of my own brain, and suddenly, so many lifelong issues made sense. I spoke to my GP, and after an exceptionally long and thorough list of questions, she agreed that I sound like a "classic case of ADHD in girls and women" and referred me on for a formal assessment. Having this acknowledgement from a medical professional has been hugely validating […] I wanted to share this information, as the work undertaken by the H&W and EDI teams, on top of all they do in their day jobs, is so valuable. It has literally changed my life.” While we could elaborate on the fundraising activities, the book club, or the football and cricket clubs the H&WWG organises, we have simply run out of space! To summarise, we’re proud of their work that makes our Consultancy a healthier, happier and more inclusive workplace. We hope you agree.
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Susan Smith

Company Name
Network Rail
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Susan works tirelessly across a number of areas impacting positive change for the wellbeing of colleagues within Network Rail. Susan goes well above and beyond her day job in supporting colleagues through the national Cancer Support Group. The Group is a safe space for colleagues who are living with, or supporting those living with, cancer to come and have a friendly chat, receive signposting and information with likeminded colleagues. Susan has been involved with the leadership of this group from its inception and has shared her own experiences, mentors colleagues in similar situations and is thoroughly inspiring. For those colleagues that she mentors, Susan is always available during and outside of work hours as a listening ear. She has even held space for colleagues on the phone whilst they have been anxiously awaiting results in oncology rooms. She goes above and beyond checking on her mentees, even when on holiday. Susan has single handedly set up an entire support network of fifty TriM (trauma support) and StRaW (stress support) practitioners, including five TriM managers, to support all staff on Anglia route. Susan co-ordinates the team and ensures there is a process in place for anyone to make a self-referral for support, as well as for line managers to make a referral. This process is entirely voluntary on Susan and her practitioner’s parts, it is not a company HR process. As a result colleagues feel that they have a completely safe and confidential space in which to seek support. Susan has now also helped other routes set up their own support teams, all of this completely voluntarily. Susan and the team have supported employees across all disciplines, recently completing a group intervention for a team whose colleague suffered a heart attack at work. Susan has achieved all this, selflessly, whilst balancing her own ongoing cancer journey and her role as a Team Organiser. This speaks volumes to the type of person Susan is: caring, empathetic, generous and inclusive.
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Tim McCarthy

Company Name
Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR)
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Tim never fails to support everyone in our office. He's always searching the internet for any development courses, wellbeing webinars and any kind of mental and physical support. Everything he finds is always sent office wide and is always well appreciated. throughout the year Tim is also responsible for organising and running wellbeing weeks/days. making sure our staff have the opportunities to raise their concerns and gain support from all sources available. To organise these events takes up a lot of his time and are always received positively which shows the effort he always puts in and how much he cares about our colleagues and partners.
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The HR, Recruitment & Talent Acquisition Award recognises those individuals and teams that have demonstrated exceptional achievements and excellence in the strategic management of human resources.

This award celebrates outstanding contributions to the fields of HR, recruitment, and talent acquisition, highlighting innovative approaches in attracting, selecting, and nurturing top talent.

Recipients of this award are recognized for their ability to create and implement effective strategies that not only enhance the recruitment process but also contribute to fostering a positive workplace culture and optimizing overall organizational performance. Whether through innovative hiring practices, talent development initiatives, or transformative HR strategies, awardees in this category have demonstrated a commitment to advancing the capabilities and success of their workforce.

Example job titles in this category are:

Recruiter, Recruitment Consultant, HR Manager, HR Consultant, HR Assistant, Talent Acquisition, Personnel Manager, Employee Relations, Recruiting Manager, Staffing Resources, Employer Brand Manager, Sourcer, Resourcing, Human Resource...

You can see all the past winners here.

Ontrak UK Limited

Company Name
Ontrak UK Limited
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Ontrak Recruitment was founded in 2007 with a vision to revolutionise the recruitment process. They have since been providing top-quality recruitment services to a wide range of train operators and their stations. Their team of experienced recruiters and consultants work tirelessly to match the right candidates with the right employers, ensuring a perfect fit for both parties and meeting strict deadlines. One of the key factors that set Ontrak Recruitment & Training apart from other recruitment agencies is their unique approach to delivering high standard training to the candidates recruited. They understand that every client and role is different and therefore, they tailor their service to meet the specific needs of each department. This personalised approach has helped them build strong relationships with both candidates and clients, resulting in a high success rate in fulfilling vacancies to given deadlines. Ontrak Recruitment have built a reputation for understanding the needs and requirements of their clients. The company takes time to understand the culture and values of its clients, ensuring a better fit for both the company and the candidate. This has led to long-term partnerships with clients, who trust Ontrak to find the best talent for the organization. At Ontrak, excellence is not just a word, it is a way of life. They are committed to providing the highest quality services to their clients, and this is evident in their candidate retainment and permanent placements within the railway sector. They have successfully placed thousands of candidates in various locations including Southern, Southeastern, East Midlands, Southwestern and Greater Anglia stations. Ontrak provides compliance managers to multiple stations checking in on candidates’ performance, completing knowledge assessments and dealing with any concerns where needed. This has ensured that the standards and criteria for each role are consistently met and always maintained. Ontrak is always looking for ways to improve and innovate its services. They understand that the recruitment industry is constantly evolving, and they strive to stay ahead of the curve. Their use of cutting-edge technology and innovative strategies has helped them streamline the recruitment and management process for both clients and candidates. In conclusion, Ontrak has demonstrated exceptional achievements and excellence in the strategic management of railway recruitment, client expectations and candidate welfare through innovative and effective practices. By prioritizing recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, employee engagement and retention, diversity, inclusion and successful planning, Ontrak has been able to build a strong and dedicated team that is committed to achieving the company’s mission.
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Blue Collar North

Company Name
Coyle Personnel
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Blue Collar North at Coyles works tirelessly to ensure they provide 24/7 cover giving 100% to everything they do A team who have worked together for several years all holding rail qualifications from pts through to engineering supervisor. They nurture blue hats providing a pathway to the industry and the specialisations available to them. A team who care for each other the company they work and the industry as standard.
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The Innovation & Technology Award recognises those teams and individuals that have demonstrated outstanding achievements and advancements in the realm of innovation and technology. Whether it be groundbreaking inventions, transformative processes, or revolutionary solutions, recipients of the Innovation & Technology Award are celebrated for their commitment to pushing the envelope and driving positive change through cutting-edge technologies.

You can see all the past winners here.


Is there someone you know that makes their candidates feel welcome, who is passionate about development and unlocking their potential? Who has the patience of a saint?!

Example job titles in this category:

Rail Safety Trainer, Training Specialist, Training & Competence Manager, Team Leader, Trainee Trainer, Operational Trainer, Signaller Trainer...

You can see all the past winners here.

Carolyn O'Sullivan

Company Name
Network Rail
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Carolyn has worked in Capacity Planning since 2019 and was initially tasked with working on a level 3 paper for our more experienced operational planners. Carolyn took this one step further and worked with the Chartered Institute of Rail Operators - together all of her teams assessment and competence papers and endorsed learning and training programmes gave the Ops planners at Network Rail a professional qualification in Timetable planning. This has been key in the development and recognition of the planning community and professionalised a service which can often be over looked but is key to the efficient running of the railway.
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Do you know someone who has used their communication skills to save a life? Did they spot someone in trouble and use talking and listening to help them? Do you know someone who should be recognised? If so, we want to hear from you.

You can see all the past winners here.

Agnes Alaiya

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Agnes works regularly at London Fields Station and is fully aware of the station, Agnes always arrives early for her shift that starts at 0500, on this morning Agnes was completing a Station Security Check and noticed in the distance someone walking along the line. Agnes very quickly started to take action - contacting the signaller and Emergency services, the person on the track was taken off in time before the train arrived at the station and received the care needed. - Please see the report from the ARL Manager. I want to send my commendation to Agnes regarding the suicidal person who was apprehended at her station this morning. Her coming into work hours before the start of her shift almost every day goes to show her commitment & dedication to her job. The incident is an example of reporting for duty early enough to have things set & ready for work. Well done to Agnes for her hard work. Agnes is an extremely committed staff member who always goes beyond and above her duties, she is also very well known at the station to the passengers and regularly receives gifts as passengers travel to their destination. I would like to nominate Agnes for saving a life at the London Fields Station Well done Agnes.
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Aimee Yates

Company Name
Carlisle Support Service
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Aimee was faced with a challenging situation while on duty supervising, Aimee noticed a young gentleman close to the edge of the platform. Aimee approached the gentleman who was looking upset and distressed. He told Aimee that he wanted to end his life. Aimee got him away from the edge of the platform and managed to get him to safety. Aimee persuaded him to come into the platform office where he broke down. Emergency services were called, and Aimee stayed with the gentleman ensuring his support was on the way. The report from Management on duty: We had a busy rugby event in WHL, so SVS station ( p2) was extremely busy, Aimee was conducting Crowd Control supervising duties. Despite dealing with overcrowded platforms and staff members, she spotted a young age passenger, standing towards the Country end of the platform, He looked visibly distressed, so she approached him to start the initial interaction. I witnessed the way she communicated with him, which was calm, emphatic, professional, and patient. At first individual didn't want to interact and engage but only thanks to Aimee's experience and skills, he slowly started opening up and cooperating. He said that a lot is happening in his life, and he wants to end it. Aimee was encouraging him to get away from the platform. They both got inside one of the rooms, where they carried on talking. In the meantime, BTP arrived, and took over the situation, making sure that relevant contact had been made and passengers were taken to safety. Following this situation, Aimee returned to carrying her Event Crowd Control Supervising duties. I want to reiterate that during extremely busy circumstances, Aimee managed to spot a customer in need, and used skills, experience and knowledge in a way that ultimately saved a young person's life. Well done to Aimee for her actions saving a young person's life!
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Aminul Islam

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Aminul is our resident staff member working at Whitechapel Overground Station, he is very well respected by all TOCs that work at the station and has been involved in many life saves for passengers. On this occasion, a passenger became seriously ill Aminul was the 1st on the scene & he assisted the passenger to avoid a fall as the passenger collapsed when disembarking from the train. Aminul went above and beyond his normal duties in showing care/compassion to the customer and his colleagues But, more importantly, his immediate and timely call for assistance to colleagues while assisting with First Aid helped save the customer’s life, emergency Services arrived and took over. Although this incident was extremely upsetting Aminul continued to keep passengers calm and safe while the passenger received the care he needed. Well done Aminul !
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Hayley Hall & Paul Bean

Company Name
Northern Trains/Amulet Security
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
On 29th April Northern Travel Safe Officers Hayley Hall & Paul Bean were onboard a service when they became aware of a visibly distressed young female, upon striking up a conversation the girl notified officers that she had been subject to assault and unwanted sexual behaviour TSOs attempted to console the female whilst gathering essential facts regarding the incident in order to notify local Police to respond to the situation. The female deboarded with officers and where a family member was also contacted to ensure someone could come to the site to ensure she remained safe whilst awaiting Police. Both Hayley and Paul showed compassion throughout which is an extremely challenging situation which was recognised a week later when we recieved an email thanking both Paul and Hayley for their actions and support throughout the incident. In addition to both mentioned Officers ensuring the female remained safe in their presence both Officers also recently dealt with another difficult situation when on 15th May TSOs Hall & Bean came across a young male who claimed to be suffering from low mood and depression. Both TSOs took the time to reassure the male, gather his back story and sit with him for some time to ensure he remained safe until Police could arrive and take him to a position of safety at the station. On two occasions within weeks of each other Hayley and Paul have found themselves faced with extreme challenges and supporting individuals who have found themselves in distressing situations, the actions of both TSOs ensured no further harm came to them and they were both able to receive further care and attention whilst maintaining their dignity in what are two very sensitive situations.
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Ivan Peev

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Ivan saved a colleague's life while on duty. It started as a normal day at work unexpectedly his colleague started to fit on the platform. Ivan's first instinct was to ensure his colleague was put in a safe position, along with ensuring passengers were kept calm and the service kept to minimum disruption. Ivan quickly called for assistance, he also kept calm while staying on the phone with emergency services the entire time, alerted staff and ensured all was well while remaining calm and composed! ultimately saving a life. His quick thinking and calm demeanour in a high-pressure situation exemplify his dedication to the safety and well-being of others. Ivan's actions were truly heroic and deserving of recognition with a lifesaver award.
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Michelle and Sodiq Wood St Heros

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Sodiq Oyedunmola along with Michelle Cummings-Hutchinson saved a life at Wood Street Station. After noticing that a passenger looked distressed he was approached and informed that he wanted to take his life, he was spoken to by both staff and helped into the office at the station where he was kept safe, Emergency services were called and the person received the support he needed. Both Michelle and Sodiq did an amazing job in recognising this passenger as in need of help. Please see the Arriva Rail London Manager's report: Please do extend our appreciation to both Sodiq Oyedunmola and Michelle Cummings for a job well done this morning at Wood Street Station by displaying a high level of calmness, Teamwork, and lifesaving by averting a suicidal person who approached them on Platform to wanting to take their own life. They have saved a life today with their approach by contacting the relevant bodies to calm and take away the person. Well done both Sodiq and Michelle! Amazing work.
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Oluwarotimi Jimbola

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
After Oluwarotimi was alerted by a passenger that they had received a call from a friend who was at Hackney Central Station where Oluwarotimi was working, who then informed him that the friend had informed they wanted to end their life and sounded very distressed. Along with the passenger, Oluwarotimi searched the platforms for their friend who was found at the edge of the platform. The passenger was very distressed, Oluwarotimi managed to move the passenger away from the platform edge where there was an oncoming train - Oluwarotimi swung into action and stopped the train, ensuring passengers waiting for the train were safely away from the edge of the platform and ensuring the distressed passenger was kept calm. Emergency services were called and the service continued. The passenger was kept safe until support arrived. Well Done Oluwarotimi !
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Do you know someone who has made amazing achievements in the rail industry?

This award is to recognise a single individual who has made significant and lasting contributions to the rail industry over the past 20 years.

You can see all the past winners here.

Barry Kitchener

Company Name
Network Rail
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Barry Kitchener’s career in the railway industry exemplifies dedication, resilience, and selflessness. Joining British Rail in 1992 as a station maintainer at London Waterloo Mainline Station, he quickly advanced to Station Supervisor, overseeing Remembrance services, and dedicating personal time to ensure their success. In 1993, Barry began researching the railway's Roll of Honour, developing a comprehensive database of 23,000 fallen railwaymen from the Great War. This initiative led to significant remembrance events, including the naming of the Remembrance Train in 1995 and the Waterloo Great War Mobilisation Project in 2014. Since 2002, Barry has delivered a widely acclaimed lecture on the fallen railwaymen, highlighting the vital roles women played during the war and promoting diversity within the rail industry. His key projects include the unveiling of the Matthew Flinders statue at London Euston Station in 2012, overcoming numerous political hurdles, and organising the naming ceremony of four trains in 2010 to honour Chad Varah, founder of the Samaritans. Barry's influence extends across the rail industry and internationally, with his name read out in the Australian Houses of Parliament in recognition of his contributions. His work has heightened awareness of fallen railwaymen, enhanced public understanding of the railway's role in the Great War, and advocated for diversity within the rail industry. In 2023 Barry was honoured with the royal title of BEM for outstanding contribution to his Majesty s railway in the field of Remembrance. Barry has completed 32 years of unbroken service on the railway. His legacy is marked by his relentless commitment to preserving the memory of fallen railwaymen without seeking recognition or financial reward. Barry’s selfless approach and ability to inspire others make him a deserving nominee for the Rail Staff Awards 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award.
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Bradley Read

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Bradley has worked for Greater Anglia, and it's predecessors, for 35 years and has spent his entire career here at Cambridge in the Ticket Office. We have had several changes of franchise, upgrades of equipment and methods of working, revamps of the office building and multiple changes of uniform but one thing has remained constant - our Brad. The most amazing thing about this gentleman is that he comes into work every day with a smile on his face and a kind work for each and every one of his colleagues. Brad even has his own catchphrase in the office - 'Hello there' and he says this with a cheeky grin and you can't help but smile. He lifts the morale in the office with his presence and calm demeanour. Brad as a voice for radio and I've never heard him raise his voice or get confrontational in all the years I've been working with him. He is very generous sharing his knowledge of all things railway and his geographical knowledge for those tricky journeys is exceptional. We have many customers who have become friends over the years and Brad always has time for a friendly chat and takes a genuine interest in people. If you mention anything to Brad about how amazing he is he is very humble and would say he is just doing his job. But what he doesn't realise is that 'just doing his job' makes doing OUR jobs so much more pleasant. This icon of Cambridge Station deserves every bit of recognition and winning a national award such as this Lifetime Achievement award would go some way to showing him how much he is appreciated and what a difference he makes to so many people, both customers and colleagues alike.
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Frank Murphy

Company Name
Coyle Personnel
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Frank is an integral part of the Coyle rail family who can be found involved in every part of the company. He is a consummate professional who goes above and beyond exceeding expectations on a daily basis. This is a person who has spent years growing nurturing and developing his team and division whilst supporting those in and around the company. He is well known and well liked by many due to his friendly approachable nature. Frank is always welcoming to new team members and is happy to share his vast knowledge that he has gained over many years. His passion to meet his clients needs be that for a single shift in a remote area on a Saturday night or a much larger longer term project speaks volumes to his commitment to them.
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Liam Johnston

Company Name
Railway Mission
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Liam has been dedicated to the work of the Railway Mission for over 20 years and has overseen all growth and changes in that time. He maintains a good relationship with a broad spectrum of people across the industry in order to advance the opportunities to provide pastoral support to as many people as possible in the railway family. He leads the chaplaincy team with energy and enthusiasm.
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The Rail Ambassador of the Year award recognises an individual who has demonstrated unwavering dedication to promoting and advancing the rail industry.

Awarded in honour of Tom O’Connor, the esteemed founder of Rail Media and visionary behind the RailStaff Awards, it celebrates those who go above and beyond to champion the industry, serve as positive advocates, and inspire others through their innovative ideas and initiatives.

The recipient of this award is a trailblazer and influencer, continually cheerleading for the rail industry while also showcasing their own contributions. They actively adopt and embrace all aspects of the industry and consistently promote its importance and benefits to society.

Nominees can include individuals from any role within the rail sector, including professionals, leaders, advocates, and influencers.

Alan McDonald

Company Name
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Being an Ambassador for a specific cause or activity demonstrates your passion and commitment to achieving success by sharing your knowledge, broadening your horizons, utilising the best of resources and by going above and beyond to achieve the collective goals. When I see ‘Rail Ambassador of the Year’ the standout name that comes to mind as a nominee is Alan McDonald who has dedicated and invested his time to rail and engineering. In the last 12 months alone, I have seen Alan take his career to a new level by seeking ways in which he can best utilise his knowledge and network to better our Rail Industry. This has not only been in terms of seeking better practices or tools to deliver his projects but also by strengthening the foundations of the personnel in our industry. Alan has been extremely successful in organising the delivery of Subject Matter Expert (SME) training to newcomers, apprentices, electricians, managers and senior engineers in Rail. He has successfully delivered training courses such as, Railway Low Voltage Systems Design Appreciation, Railway Signalling Power Design Appreciation, Railway Electric Point Heating Design, Electric Vehicle Charging Point Design Appreciation and Arc Flash Hazard: The Fundamentals of Electrical Safety for Buildings & Infrastructure by collaborating with industry experts and professional institutions. Alan has also extended his reach to seek professionals and experts working in other parts of the world from other rail industries or other engineering industries to join him in applying the best practices in which he can offer more optimum and innovative solutions in his design delivery. A recent initiative Alan has been involved with is cyber security and data protection, seeking ways to prioritize the security of our data and that of our clients, which is ever so important as we move ever closer to a more digital world. Alan has gained recognition for how he has developed his business in 2024 and has also been successful in obtaining railway industry verification for his quality. Alan is truly working around the clock to offer his support to the UK rail industry and has also been sharing the best practices we carry out in the UK in Rail to those in other parts of the world such as Ireland, Spain and Poland, with a view to learning from them too. Alan is very deserving of this award as he continues on his journey to grow as an Ambassador to rail in the UK and engineering. As a former colleague of Alan and collaborative partner between my company ASAVRAIL and GemENG, it would be rewarding to see Alan win this prestigious Railstaff Award. I wish him all the best in his journey of success.
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Do you know an engineer who knows rail engineering inside out? Who rises to a challenge and comes up with the results? Or achieved an amazing feat of engineering brilliance?

Example job titles in this category:

Lead Fitter, Pway Designer, Fleet Engineer, BSL Signaling Engineer, Structure.Examiner, Engineering Contracts Director , Senior Surveyor, Senior Project Engineer, Technical Engineer, Construction Management, Chief S&T Engineer, ATME...

You can see all the past winners here.

Mohammed Al-Sharif

Company Name
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I am delighted to recommend Mohammed Al-Sharif for the prestigious 'Rail Engineer of the Year' award. As a seasoned Chartered Civil Engineer with an outstanding track record in the railway industry, Al-Sharif exemplifies excellence, dedication, and innovation in his field. I had the privilege of being mentored by him earlier in my career, and his guidance was invaluable in helping me navigate the complexities of the industry and chart a successful career path. His mentorship extended beyond technical expertise, as he also played a pivotal role in connecting me with the right resources and opportunities, including mentorship for achieving Chartered Engineer (CEng) status. His contributions to the railway sector are truly remarkable. He has lent his expertise to a multitude of major projects, including the Camp Hill lines and University Station, where his engineering prowess and leadership have left an indelible mark. His ability to tackle complex challenges with ingenuity and precision has earned him the respect and admiration of colleagues and stakeholders alike. Furthermore, he has demonstrated his versatility and expertise by providing valuable counsel on 'Grade II' listed building renovations for the local council—an indication of his interdisciplinary skills and commitment to community development. Beyond his professional accomplishments, Al-Sharif is deeply committed to nurturing the next generation of railway professionals. His active involvement in STEM activities and mentoring initiatives underscores his dedication to shaping the future of the industry, ensuring that aspiring engineers are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to drive innovation and progress. In summary, Al-Sharif embodies the qualities of a true Rail Engineer of the Year—technical expertise, leadership, mentorship, and a passion for advancing the railway industry. I wholeheartedly endorse his nomination for this esteemed award and am confident that his contributions will continue to inspire and elevate the field of rail engineering.
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In this category, we are looking for someone who is an outstanding manager, who is a true professional, who shows outstanding leadership skills, and goes beyond for their team.

Example job titles for this category:

Duty Engineering Manager, Section Supervisor, Programme Manager, Customer Service Manager, Area Manager, Station Manager, Train Driver Manager, Retail Audit Manager, Senior Engineering Manager, Customer Delivery Manager...

You can see all the past winners here.

Alana Davoren

Company Name
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Demonstrating exceptional stakeholder engagement, innovative thinking and inspirational leadership to overcome unprecedented challenges, Alana Davoren enabled the safe delivery of Barking Riverside Overground rail extension and station opening five months earlier than scheduled. Collaborating with multiple stakeholders to establish priorities, and secure buy-in, Alana instigated a new programme, taking full accountability for reporting project progress, trialled eviFile, an innovative tracking and real-time reporting tool and created a new commissioning readiness procedure. Leading a diverse team comprising 60 different ethnic backgrounds, Alana facilitated an environment that empowered everyone to have a voice, establishing a one-team approach and common sense of purpose. Demonstrating exceptional stakeholder engagement, innovative thinking and inspirational leadership to overcome unprecedented challenges posed by Covid, Alana Davoren enabled the safe delivery of Barking Riverside Overground rail extension and station opening five months earlier than scheduled. Originally due to open in December 2021, a planned single five-day possession over Easter 2020 to undertake signalling works had to be cancelled by Network Rail (NR) due to the pandemic. With Transport for London (TfL) setting a revised opening for December 2022 and the opportunity for another single possession unlikely for four years Alana, Alstom's Lead Project Manager, devised and managed a staged delivery strategy to carry out the critical signalling works over 16 weekends. Recognising effective and efficient communication was key to the project's success, Alana instigated a new programme, taking full accountability and responsibility for collating and reporting project progress. Tracking critical activities and challenges, Alana's seamless ability to identify and resolve key project issues and use lessons learnt formed the foundation for continuous improvement and swift programme recovery. This enabled TfL to open the line extension and terminus station in July 2022, five months ahead of schedule. "Alana is an extremely accomplished and passionate Project Manager, always going the extra mile, her passion is infectious. A people person, she encourages her project delivery team to strive for continuous improvement to achieve the best outcomes. Alana saw every commissioning as a learning opportunity not just to grow her own experience, but that of her team and the business. Always going over and above, Alana leads by example and has exceptional communication skills and a special talent for building relationships; within her team and with clients and stakeholders." Richard Denton, Project Director Alstom
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Becky Cubitt

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Becky has recently become an Assistant Area Customer Services Manager for Cambridge but that has not stopped her from getting stuck in and involved in other stations in their moment of need. Just the other day Ely was experiencing major disruption, Becky was passing through on her way home after doing her own shift and immediately grabbed a radio and got stuck in. She supported the whole team and went straight out the front of the station in extreme heat and started the taxi process while also giving out bottled water to our passengers, we also had a medical emergency and Becky made sure the staff dealing with this were ok and helped look after the passenger so the rest of the team could dispatch trains and perform safety duties. Becky really went above and beyond checking in on the team and staying for 3 hours to help and support, when her dinner was waiting for her at home. Before she left she got all the relevant information from a conference call regarding the disruption and made sure things had started to settle down before leaving to go home as she knew there were only 2 staff members on-site to deal with the remaining disruption. Becky was so supportive, calm and a real asset to the team. Even though Becky is not our station manager she was not going to leave the team which really shows she cares and really wanted to help us, she nearly did a 12 hour shift! Becky was also very recently on call and personally came down to the station to help a staff member who was lone working at the station due to staff shortages, as they too were experiencing disruption so she came down to helpout! Becky always stops to say Hi and asks if everything is going ok when passing through the station and has a little chat when she can.
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Giles Conway

Company Name
Chiltern Railways
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Giles continues to inspire the Oxfordshire Area Team with his dedication, determination and perseverance. He inspires the Team to be their best, encourages and supports staff contributions to improvements to the day to day job which has engendered a strong sense of ownership and pride in our patch. Giles encourages Team work and gives us opportunity to overview other roles within the stations so we have a better understanding of all aspects of frontline duties, ensuring we work more cohesively to provide our wonderful customers with the service they deserve. Giles is always approachable no matter the problem and works tirelessly to resolve the variety of issues that arise on a busy commuter patch. Giles deserves an award just for being Giles!
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Isabelle Reynolds

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Isabelle is a fantastic manager, always seen and always there to help or advise. She is very approachable and is well liked across her whole team. You really feel like she has your back and she is interested in YOU. If she can help you she will. Isabelle has been particularly supportive to me through some very difficult times that I have had personally whilst working for Greater Anglia and I cannot thank her enough for her support during this time, I would love her to receive some recognition for her superb management skills.
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Luke Branch

Company Name
Transport for Wales.
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I would like to nominate my manager Luke for the national Rail Manager of the Year because no one deserves it more. I have been employed as a conductor for Transport for Wales for the past four years, Luke has been my manager throughout my career. Luke is always encouraging me to further my career within the rail industry, his honest and professional approach has always made me feel at ease. Luke has always gone above and beyond especially regarding home life. Luke finds a balance between manager and sometimes friend which is very refreshing knowing that I can turn to someone when needed. Having spoken with many other members of staff everyone has the same opinion of him and find myself extremely fortunate to be a part of his team. Having dealt with a short illness in 2022 having Luke there was a massive help, not only myself but also my family. He went above and beyond to make sure I was looked after, this reassurance showed a great deal of caring and understanding. I feel extremely fortunate to have a manager like Luke.
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Paul Barlow

Company Name
CrossCountry Trains
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Paul has changed the atmosphere in the region and the wider business with his positive and inclusive attitude to all staff he interacts with. He has been a leader in changing the railway from its old management style to a fresh people focused approach. Nothing is to much trouble when it comes to staff and he looks for the good in everyone and every situation, whatever challenges he may be facing himself. I have never seen Paul shy away from a task or challenge and even when others think he has taken on a mountain to climb, he just knuckles down and finds ways to work through the situation, quickly winning over the individuals he is working with because of his enthusiasm and commitment to try and achieve the best outcome for all involved. As a team we think he deserves recognition for the hard work and efforts he has shown and providing us with a great working environment.
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Peter Mellar

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Peter leads from the front and is effective at empowering his team. Peter is a genuine manager who will help if he can. He takes the time to listen to his team and you do feel like he genuinely cares . His management style is a great blend of professionalism and humour which in turn, really engages his team. I would like Peter to be acknowledged for his relentless hard work and commitment to his team.
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Simona Daraba

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I would like to Nominate Simona Daraba. Simona works as an Area Customer Service Manager. There are lots of reasons why I nominate Simona for the best Manager. Simon always goes above and beyond the call of duty in pursuing excellence. She will always support any employee at any time. She is hard working and everything she does must be to perfection. She brings high standards into the workplace and everybody speaks out highly about her work and commitment. She is a mother to two young boys and I am amazed how she can organise her very busy schedule. She is a very good listener and she always supports staff when needed. Simona will support and encourage Staff to develop in the company. When I was promoted to the Supervisor role I was scared and worried if I was going to be good. Simona gave me support and made me believe nothing is impossible. She teaches me how to deal with difficult situations and stay professional at all times. She was supporting me when I went through difficult times in my private life and she is supporting me in my career path. I am very proud to be part of her Team. She is a very strong and confident woman. Every woman would like to be like her in the Company. She also brings all staff together who are working at different stations by organising events. I couldn't wish for a better Manager.
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This category is for the best person in the rail industry at their job, what they do, or what have done. Someone who has shown true dedication or has remained calm and collected under incredible pressure or danger?

Example job titles in this category:


You can see all the past winners here.

Bal Birring

Company Name
Northern Trains / Amulet Security
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
This nomination is for a core member of the TSO operation and someone who has been a mainstay on the contract since its existence several years ago. Bradford TSO supervisor Balbir Birring has not only been ever present since the contract was formed but has continued her rise up the ranks to now be in the position of officer in charge in the East region. Bal has overcome numerous obstacles throughout her time with us including becoming our only current female supervisor in an industry predominately male dominated, Bal being in such a position and leading by example whilst demonstrating to other females without our operation that this achievement is possible is something we are extremely proud of and something I hope Bal takes immense pride in. In recent years Bal and her team have continued to shine and exceed all expectations with a large percentage of this coming down to Bal's planning, preparation and passion for her team to be the best on the railway network. What I feel makes this nomination so special and personal is each and every one of Bal's officer's have sent me personal messages over the last few months asking for this to be put forward as they want their leader to feel as special and appreciated as she makes them feel on a daily basis whilst representing both company and client.
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Eugene Obeng

Company Name
Northern Trains / Amulet Security
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Eugene Obeng has now operated as a Travel Safe Officer on the Northern Trains Contract for over 2 years. Throughout this time, he has consistently represented himself, Northern Trains Ltd, Amulet Security and the RSAS Scheme to the highest of professional standards whilst ensuring safety and security remain at the forefront of his mind. Where TSO Obeng really excels, is in his ability to ensure he is a prominent presence on the railway which has best placed him to intervene when offences have been committed or be the help that someone is looking for when they have found themselves in a vulnerable place. This can be best evidenced by his reporting figures for Railway Year 2023/2024, in which TSO Obeng submitted 909 reports for incidents ranging from anti-social behaviour, trespassing, unauthorised access to stations, individuals in need of safeguarding and intelligence reports. With this, what TSO Obeng has demonstrated is the ability to not only adapt to different incidents but changing situations as well. As an example, it is not uncommon for TSO Obeng to initially begin dealing with an individual who has committed an offence but is then identified as someone who requires further intervention from a safeguarding perspective, be it missing persons or individuals suffering with mental health issues. In this way, TSO Obeng shows he possesses the ability to deal with any situation that presents itself in a proportionate and compassionate way to achieve desirable results. The impact of TSO Obeng’s efforts can be broken down by further analysing his reporting figures as follows; of the 909 reports submitted, 837 were offences witnessed and dealt with by TSO Obeng. Of these 837 reported offences, 744 were instances of an individual or individuals being identified as committing an offence, with the remaining 93 instances being where vehicles have been found in breach of Northern Trains Ltd’s parking policies. With each of the parking offences reported carries a fixed penalty of £50, showing that TSO Obeng’s consistent efforts not only aids in reprimanding individuals committing offences but also there is revenue to be earned back from them. There are actually over 250 occasions where TSO Obeng has in fact obtained details of individuals for offences committed, with which Northern Trains Ltd are afforded the opportunity to earn back further lost revenue. Without doubt, the Northern Trains network is a safer place with TSO Obeng active on it. He consistently displays all the desired qualities of a Travel Safe Officer being proactive, professional, compassionate and honest whilst providing the necessary deterrent or intervention to protect the networks passengers and assets.
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George Mitchell

Company Name
Northern Trains / Amulet Security
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Northern Trains Travel Safe Officer George Mitchell continues to display all the skills and qualities that we embrace from our officers with him playing an essential part in not only keeping people safe in his presence but educating those who may be unfamiliar with the dangers of the railway. George takes immense pride in the results he achieves across the network and was recognised at last years Rail Staff awards where he was highly commended for his heroic life saving intervention and proudly represented both Northern Trains and Amulet as a finalist at the prestigious awards. The initial intervention and George's clear and obvious passion for public safety gained interest from the wider network leading to TSO Mitchell taking part in the Samaritans "Small Talk Saves Lives" campaign which launched in Feb 24. George as a representative of both company and client travelled to London Kings Cross to assist, share his personal but heroic story and offer advice to those who may have fallen on hard time and be struggling to see light at the end of the tunnel. George has followed this initial launch event up by also attending Samaritans follow up event in Leeds station, this done in his own time away from his daily duties as an officer which I believe emphasises his commitment to ensuring others utilising the network always have someone to turn to during a time of need. George's presence and commitment to the nationwide campaign led to numerous positive emails being received from Samaritans themselves thanking George for the part he played and even noted an emotional interaction George had with an elderly male who came over to thank Samaritans for saving his life. Anyone would think being a full time officer securing the railway network but somehow finding time to assist with such campaigns would be enough for TSO Mitchell but knowing George how we do it came as no surprise when in addition to the above George recently took time out to enquire to our client Northern Trains regarding school educational material which was subsequently acquired and hand delivered by George to his local primary schools. Selfless acts to educate and protect others seem to go hand in hand with George and to have an individual that not only saved a life in extremely distressing circumstances but then followed that up by committing his time to ensure others don't find themselves in the same position is something we should be immensely proud of. An initial outstanding act, followed with building trust and relationships in his local community by sharing essential educational material with local primary schools and playing an essential part in a nationwide campaign that no doubt will prevent more lives being taken is nothing short of truly amazing and we are incredibly lucky to have TSO Mitchell out across the network keeping others safe.
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Jane Courtney

Company Name
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Jane goes above and beyond, she does this in many ways. Ensuring that she uses her knowledge of the railway to give them explicit journey plans. The most important thing she does is empathise with the multiple types of customers visiting the station, who have many challenges, mental health etc.
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Paul Nixon

Company Name
Network Rail
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Paul is a selfless individual that is always willing to listen to others and advise where possible. Paul has an extensive amount of railway experience and knowledge and collaborates with different contractors and consultants within the railway industry helping them improve their safety performance. He always makes time for others putting their health and well-being as a priority. He is easy to talk to and everyone I have spoken to within rail gets along with him and only says nice things about him.
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Richard Scotton

Company Name
Northern Trains / Amulet Security
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Northern Trains TSO Richard Scotton currently occupies the role of 2nd in command within our highly respected TSO team based out of Bradford. Rick has been a mainstay on the Northern TSO contract for 6 years and continues to thrive and excel with each passing day with his enthusiasm and passion visible for all to see. Rick is a natural leader who takes immense pride in his work and regularly assists fellow officer's and leaders with additional training in a bid to maintain standards and ensure our clients expectations are met throughout. Rick is an integral part of all that we do as an operation and is greatly admired from railway staff and stakeholders alike across the Northern network. We are incredibly proud to call him one of our own and the railway is a safer place due to Rick's presence both onboard services and at stations.
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Tracey Perryman

Company Name
Northern Trains / Amulet Security
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Northern Trains Travel Safe Officer Tracey Perryman has been a mainstay on the TSO contract and has proudly represented her role for close to 4 years now. On the evening of 9th November 2023 whilst carrying out a routine patrol of a station, TSO Tracey Perryman and her colleague were approached by a Northern Trains conductor who made Tracey aware of a vulnerable female standing in the dark and at the far end of the platform. TSO Perryman made her way to the female alone and introduced herself, it became evident fairly quickly just how distressed the young female was with her openly admitting she had arrived at the train station to end her life. Tracey attempted to build a relationship with the female with back and forth dialogue continuing for over 15 minutes whilst still situated at the end of the platform, a short while later TSO Perryman was able to persuade the young female now in tears to slowly move away from the platform edge and come to safety, continuing to reassure her throughout that it's just the two of them and that she will ensure she remains safe and secure. TSO Perryman managed to get the female to a safer position on the station although this was met with numerous attempts and threats made by the young female to enter the tracks which was apprehended by Tracey, all whilst maintaining her composure and ensuring she continued to put the female’s welfare before anything else. Several calls were made in an attempt to contact the police and the ambulance service to get the female the support she required but numerous calls were met with long delays and confirmation that due to several ongoing incidents in the local area, it was very unlikely anyone would be able to attend. Despite the first contact being made at 2045 TSO Perryman made the selfless decision to see through the incident despite her shift finishing at 2300 and the time now reaching 1am, finally some 4 hours after TSO Perryman became aware of the visibility distressed female, police arrived and took control of the situation ensuring they would take good care of her and have her attend the local hospital. The selfless commitment displayed by TSO Perryman to not only initially manage to prevent the female from ending her life but to also remain on site for several hours even after her shift had officially come to an end captures Tracey's passion and determination to ensure those in need of help always have someone to turn to on the railway. We all hope in such challenging situations that we would do the right thing, TSO Perryman not only did the right thing but also went well above all expectations of both company and client and is something we should be incredibly proud of.
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Tyreece, Hewitt

Company Name
Carlisle Support services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Tyreece is the perfect example of a staff with star qualities. I have had the pleasure of observing him going above and beyond in his role as a customer service assistant. Tyreece is never too busy to assist members of the public making their journey a lot smoother, he is always on hand to give assistance to VIP’s and MIP’s. He greets each customer with an infectious smile. So i believe his nomination is well deserved as he possesses all the qualities that a representative of your company should be. He is someone i think his colleagues and future staff members should adhere to be like.
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Wayne Jenkins

Company Name
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Wayne Jenkins works for CrossCountry as one of our Resources Controllers, based in our Control team in Birmingham. Our Resources Controllers play a really critical role in delivering smooth, reliable train journeys for on-train colleagues and ultimately for customers – they are responsible for ensuring that everything (and everybody!) that needs to be on the train before it starts its journey is in the right place at the right time. It’s a demanding, high-pressure role that requires strong prioritisation and time management skills, as well as being able to foster strong positive relationships with hundreds of people across the country who you’ll probably never even meet in person. It’s this aspect of the job where Wayne truly excels, and makes picking up the phone to hear his voice at the Resource Controller desk a source of real comfort and relief to any Train Manager or Senior Conductor at CrossCountry. Wayne stands out as one of the friendliest, kindest Resources Controllers we are lucky enough to have with us. No matter how many incidents are ongoing or how many jobs he has to juggle, Wayne can always be relied upon for a little chat and banter to cheer up his caller, even in times of difficult disruption. Wayne can always be relied on to pick up the phone and help out (often stressed, tired, or even panicked) on-train colleagues on the phone straightaway, with very little trouble. It’s well-known amongst on-train colleagues that Wayne is the Resources Controller where, if you ring him, you will be in safe hands. Wayne will always do everything he can to help colleagues out, and nothing is ever too much trouble for him. Having such a friendly and thoughtful nature has cultivated a great mutual respect and responsibility with train crew across the business – I know that all of my colleagues on trains would be very pleased to repay Wayne any favours he might need if he was to give one of them a call. This is a really beneficial way of working and I hope that this nomination goes some way to spreading Wayne’s positive attitude further across the business and the industry.
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Zeliha Sigirci

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Zeliha has worked as a Customer Host at Highams Park Overground Station for several years and has a great relationship with passengers, and the community, delivering a world-class service for our Client, Arriva Rail London. Zeliha has received many commendations for her hard work at the station, assisting passengers and more recently got a commendation from the Director of Strategy & Innovation at Transport for London. This was for a child who travels independently on the London Overground to a school who is autistic, visually impaired and suffers severe anxiety, the care and attention Zeliha gave to the child ensured she was collected safely after struggling with her journey. Proves her dedication to her work. Zeliha understood how important any child with disabilities is to have independence on public transport and how critical this can be to have a fulfilling life. Zeliha is well known to the Community, especially to young people who use the Overground services explaining about safety and the importance of purchasing a valid ticket. Zelhia is very aware of passengers with disabilities and ensures they feel comfortable and reinsured while taking their journey with the London Overground. Well done Zelhia for all your hard work and dedication at the station and with the local community.
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Do you work with a team whose concern for colleagues and customers in difficulty is outstanding? Or have delivered a project whilst overcoming significant challenges?

Example job titles for this category:

On board crew, HR Department or Team, Maintenance delivery team, OHL Team, S & T team, Train Assembly Team, CCTV Team, Resourcing Team...

You can see all the past winners here.

Anglia Integrated Control Centre

Company Name
Network Rail
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
A truly dedicated team that are unsung hero’s that persevere daily which I have observed providing the route with exceptional service. The team always strives to ensure their actions and decision making an always around providing the best level of service overarched by safety and customer centric. Recently implementing a number of initiatives that are not showcased but give our customers an excellence in service such as; - Providing Liverpool St station with proactive information around potential risks and disruption via dedicated comms platforms. This is the busiest station in the country and carries high risks with regards to overcrowding / sensitivity for organisational credibility impact - the team protect the staff and customers by keeping them at the forefront of all decision making. - juggling and ensuring a balanced service delivery for freight and train operating companies on some of the busiest corridors in England enabling Greater Anglia / MTR Elizabeth line and C2C just to name a few to be some of the highest performers TOCs in the country. - recently taking on the command and control management of a derailment within a port and within 3 weeks leading a full operation with the Distribution Unit to repair damaged infrastructure and recover one of the busiest freight ports in the country. This went unsung and freight brings millions of pounds worth of income to the economy. There are many more examples. Is we this team drive forward and work passionately with such a humble attitude where so much celebrations exits but partners. It’s time to recognise and showcase the song writers, the script writers and the production team behind those Hollywood block busters.
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CRSA East Resource Team

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The Central Rail Systems Alliance East Resource team work tirelessly to deliver projects in their region under challenging circumstances. They do this whilst still working in an efficient, friendly, extremely collaborative and inclusive manner. The team consistently demonstrate a remarkable spirit of commitment and an unwavering dedication to getting the project requirements met, whether on the domestic or project front, As an agency dealing with them, it is a delight that processes are in place to ensure smooth running at every turn. The area and projects that the team cover are vast and varied running from Kings Cross and St Pancras to the Scottish Borders making it all the more fun on a daily basis working alongside with them. Dealing with Jade Price, Alan Clegg, Mark Dickson, Jodie Fletcher, Charlotte Bullock and Gemma Roper is always a delight. Lovely people, lovely team and well worthy of the award.
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ERTMS Technical Support Team

Company Name
Network Rail
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I would like to nominate Lee, Dave, Jay and Dan (collectively the ERTMS Technical Support Engineers) for their contribution this year. The team was formed in May 2023 and they have achieved so much in such a short space of time. They have devoted themselves to learning about the new world of ERTMS, bringing in their knowledge from their previous roles and learning the new complex system. They have been working collaboratively with train operators and the project delivery team over the last year, firstly for the testing of the system playing a key role in providing diagnostics and faulting to the onsite teams during testing shifts, and then providing rapid diagnostics as the system entered in to service on the Northern City Line. Without the team, their willingness to learn and adapt, the operational teams would not have the confidence in Network Rail's ability to successfully run an ERTMS network.
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Northern Trains Travel Safe Officers, Central Region

Company Name
Northern Trains / Amulet Security
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
On 29th March 2024 whilst patrolling a busy city centre train station within the Central Region Travel Safe Officers Saul Stapley and Matthew Clare were requested to attend the toilets situated on the concourse due to a group of young males that were congregating without intentions of travelling. After several minutes of back and forth and the group becoming quite argumentative the group was ushered out of the station by TSOs present, seconds later the group suddenly turned around and began shouting towards a male and a female accompanying him who was situated on the busy station concourse. One male then brandished a bladed article and proceeded to slash another young male around the neck area only to be deterred by TSOs who at this point were running towards the danger ahead in an attempt to avoid any further damage coming to the victim. TSOs Stapley and Clare without care or thought for their own safety attempted to apprehend several members of the group who managed to escape the station grounds, the panic alarm was pressed by officers with them alerting other officers present of the knife attack before taking it upon themselves to give chase in an attempt to ensure no further harm came to any other members of the public. TSOs Stapley and Clare was joined by TSOs Jonathan Clowes and Danielle MacDonald with the team apprehending one male across from the station. Whilst this was ongoing Supervisor Gareth Preston was responding to the panic alarm and arrived on scene to treat the young male who had suffered a large laceration to the back of his neck with at this point dozens of onlookers watching proceedings unfold. Gareth continue to administer first aid until Paramedics and other officers arrived from the Police force The incident despite it's extremely challenging and dangerous nature only highlighted officers' bravery, courage and willingness to run into the face of adversity would have likely resulted in the group stabbing the victim multiple more times potentially ending his life. This is a real life example of the challenge faced by officers but the lengths they go to in order to protect the public and maintain safety and security. A truly outstanding and selfless act by a group of officers who take immense pride in their role and the network they are there to protect.
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Northern Trains Travel Safe Officers, East Region

Company Name
Northern Trains / Amulet Security
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
The Northern Trains Travel Safe team based out of Bradford Interchange epitomises all that we stand for whilst embracing the values and culture of our partners at Northern Trains. The East region made up of 14 accredited professionals led by Bal Birring continues to go from strength to strength and consistently seek and achieve results that astound us within Amulet but in addition, receives glowing feedback from our clients thanking them for taking such pride in their efforts to keep the travelling public and Northern Trains staff safe on a daily basis. This team is no stranger to accolades and continues to produce special individuals from within only made possible by the unrivalled leadership from both Bal Birring and her second in command Richard Scotton which cannot be underestimated. This team in particular continue to set the standards for an operation that prides itself on professionalism, integrity, dedication and commitment to drive change in society and remain a visible presence in a bid to deter antisocial behaviour and criminal activity in the communities they serve. Despite operating under the biggest and most demanding geographical region, the team over the last 12 months have amassed over 3,900 incident reports that have been witnessed and resolved across the railway network for railway byelaw breaches whilst issuing 1,419 parking notices across the last 12 months to keep our clients stations and car parks readily available and assessable for genuine customers. In addition to the above the team have also prevented 9 individuals suffering from suicidal thoughts from ending their lives whilst responding to 33 separate medical emergencies across the Northern Trains network ranging from broken bones to individuals in cardiac arrest and being severely unwell. Over the last year we have had officers from within the team attend local schools to share educational material with primary school children in a bid to promote railway safety, we have also had an officer hand-selected by Samaritans to take part in the ‘Small Talk Saves Lives’ campaign which took place at London Kings Cross station. The team not only fulfils their daily obligations but regularly look to surpass any goals laid out by embracing the challenge of making the railway network a safer place.
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Northern Trains, Travel Safe Officers

Company Name
Northern Trains / Amulet Security
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
The Northern Trains Travel Safe Officer team continued to add much needed value and benefit to the safety and security of all of Northern Train's valued customers across the network. A team of 60 plus officers patrolling and securing the network is often first on the scene for some of the most challenging and distressing incidents whilst demonstrating essential soft skills to safeguard and support both staff and passengers going about their daily tasks. The team which spans all four of Northern Trains regions share immense passion, pride and commitment to deliver a service to be proud of whilst serving the communities they operate within to the highest possible standards, this is reflected in the rewards and recognition not only individual officers have achieved but also the success the contract has seen as a whole at recent awards ceremonies including scooping three highly coveted awards at the 2023 Amulet awards including the Outstanding Act award for the second successive year and having 9 finalists present at the prestigious rail staff awards held at the NEC in Birmingham. The TSO operation continues to influence the safe running of the Northern network whilst ensuring all incidents both minor and major have minimal disruption to commuters and railway staff a like, this service being delivered in there to compliment the hard work being carried out by colleagues at The British Transport Police across the network as an extension of the policing family and is only made possible by hard work and a commitment to deliver a bespoke training package going hand in hand with a team of 60 plus officers spread across five teams who share the same vision, values and passion as ourselves and respective stakeholders. The TSO cohort have assisted and interacted with no less than 126 individuals they would consider vulnerable and ensured they remain safe whilst in their care whilst supporting 55 individuals suffering from suicidal thoughts at stations up and down the country and being first on scene and delivering first aid for over 174 medical incidents some of which was extremely distressing for the officers present including two incidents involving knife attacks. The last year has seen some real success stories shared from across the TSO teams including officers regularly and actively taking part in community engagement events alongside fellow railway stakeholders, TSOs attending local schools to relationship build and educate those children who utilise the network on a daily basis, TSO's taking part in a nationwide suicide awareness campaign whilst officers took part in a first of its kind Violence Against Women experiment in collaboration with Northern Trains and Professor Barak Arial from Cambridge University. This six month long commitment to improving safety and security for women and girls has drawn immense praise industry wide but also from Professor Arial who off the back of the campaign has selected TSOs also to take part in a further commitment piece centred around reducing violence in the work place due to commence in summer 2024.
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Reading Off Track Team

Company Name
Network Rail
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Reading off track team are part of the crucial recovery for train performance along the very important commuter corridor between Reading and London Paddington on the Western Route. They have been clearing signals to improve signal sighting and known issues sometimes as many as 30 in a week with a modest workforce as part of project Brunel. The team have also been clearing known vegetation problems which have on occasion caused substantial train performance issues by tripping the OLE equipment. The team also deal with a range of other issues constantly including service requests from MOP for concerns they might have, faults raised from a variety of sources, close calls and their own substantial work bank to deliver an agreed volume of work to manage the day to day safety of the railway. But over the last weeks weeks throughout the growing season the teams have made a huge substantial difference to both train performance on this key route and the reputation of our company amongst the various TOCs and FOCs who use this very busy route. This difference has been noted at a high level throughout our company with regular messages of thanks from the IMDM/IME and head of Maintenance. The team take a great deal of pride in their work and have been known to stay past their normal booking off time to finish important tasks rather than leave them unfinished. They make those who work with them proud to come to work each day and i consider it an honour and a privilege to have them as my work colleagues.
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Do you know someone who is amazing at their job in or around the depot or within the freight or rolling stock sector? Have they managed challenging situations and incidents by demonstrating a cool head? Or logistical and transport challenges?

Example job titles in this category:

Section Planner, Operations Supervisor, Regional Support Assistants, Maintenance Delivery Team, Resource Planner, Train Presentation Supervisor, Production Manager, Freight Manager, Depot Manager, Shunter, Freight Forwarder, Rolling Stock Field Engineer, Rolling Stock Approvals, Electrical Engineer - Rolling Stock, Fleet Performance, Field Maintenance...

You can see all the past winners here.


Is there someone you know that has improved the safety record of where you work? That has the enthusiasm to instill in others the importance of constantly improving the training to the front line troops? Maybe the leader of a new safety programme?

Example job titles for this category:

HSQE Advisor, Operations Standards Manager, HSEA Manager, Possession & Rimini Planner, Safety and Compliance Controller, COSS, Training Specialist, Infrastructure Maintainer, Maintenance Workforce Safety Advisor, Workforce Health Safety & Environment Advisor, Incident Response, Competence Manager, Transport Police, SQE Advisor...

You can see all the past winners here.

Andrew Burrows

Company Name
Project Leaders
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Introduction: Project Leaders Ltd are thrilled to nominate Andrew Burrows, Construction Manager for the Safety Award. Since representing Project Leaders and carrying out the role of Construction Manager for MTR, Andrew has significantly enhanced the Health and Safety (H&S) practices, proving himself a pivotal asset in the continuous efforts to provide a secure working environment. His actions have not only improved safety but have also fostered a culture of proactive safety management across the projects MTR are delivering in infrastructure. Commitment to Safe Practices on Site: Andrew has been instrumental in elevating on-site safety standards. His ability to identify and rectify unsafe practices has led to considerable improvements in operational procedures. A prime example of his impact is evident in his contributions to the McLeod Mews project. Here, Andrew identified critical inefficiencies in how materials were handled on-site. By pioneering a new approach, he significantly mitigated potential hazards, enhancing safety for all personnel involved. His readiness to halt work to address safety concerns underscores his dedication to the well-being of every team member. Proactive Health & Safety Monitoring: Beyond immediate safety interventions, Andrew has championed the importance of proactive H&S monitoring. His efforts have led to a substantial increase in the reporting of "close calls" on our sites. This shift towards early identification of potential issues is crucial, as it allows risks to be addressed before they escalate into actual incidents. Andrew’s strategic foresight in H&S monitoring not only prevents accidents but also embeds a culture of safety that permeates throughout our projects. Impact and Leadership: Andrew’s extensive experience and exceptional communication skills have made him a respected leader in safety. His approachable manner and clear communication have encouraged staff to more actively engage in safety practices and discussions, contributing to an overall safer and more aware workplace. Conclusion: Andrew Burrows is a deserving candidate for the Safety Award, given his unwavering commitment to safety, proactive approach to risk management, and influential leadership. His contributions have not only enhanced safety but have also instilled a sustainable culture of caution and care. We believe that recognizing Andrew’s efforts with this award will not only honour his accomplishments but also reinforce the importance of safety in our industry.
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Richard Bonella

Company Name
Network Certification Body (NCB)
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I am nominating Richard Bonella for the Safety Person Award. Over the last year, Richard has personally delivered over 10 CSM-RA safety assessment awareness briefing sessions to Railway staff across the country. Richard has decades of experience in the railway and uses his experiences to take attendees on a journey to better understand CSM-RA. Helping a new generation of railway experts continue to make the UK's railways safe for years to come.
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We are looking for someone who is hard working, respected, and well liked; who helps both colleagues and customers have a better experience at their station...

Example job titles in this category:

Ticket office / Booking staff, Retail, Transport Police, Cleaners, Customer Service, Travel Centre Staff, Station Supervisor, Station Sales Assistant, Station Customer Service, Team Leader, Service Delivery Assistant, Sales Point Assistant, Station Manager, Revenue and Security...

You can see all the past winners here.

Angela Oxley

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Angela is like a real-life superwoman. She always comes to Elys aid when there is a staff shortage that being in the ticket office or as customer service as she does not like to see her colleagues lone working, and loves to help out wherever she can. If she can help she always volunteers herself even if she is going on holiday the very next day, or even that night she has been known to do an 8-hour shift and then jump on a train for her holiday! Angela is a very experienced member of the team and will be seen chatting away to her regular passengers or trying to turn a negative situation into a more positive one. She is well know at March station by her passengers and is often being bought chocolates for all the help she gives to the passengers there, she does not hesitate to call Ely or Peterborough to find out more information when things are going wrong to keep her passengers in the loop as at March information can sometimes be very limited. I have even seen Angela out the front of March station organising bus replacement vehicles as again there are no organisers at March and passengers are picked up from down the road of the station. This year in particular Angela grew a massive amount of strawberries and made sure her fellow GA colleagues did not go without them, we all received our own tubs of homegrown strawberries to have! She is very kind and considerate and always puts others before herself, she is the ultimate superwoman!
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Carlisle Supports Services Supervisors for Arriva Rail London

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Ahmed Nunow, Mourad Abada, Babatunde Kehinde, Michelle Cummings, Charlotte McClean, Chenelle Phillips, Alfred Opoku all part of The Supervising Team at Arriva Rail London together have saved 13 lives and have consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership and dedication in ensuring the smooth operation of our client ARL's services. They go above and beyond in supporting and empowering our staff, providing regular welfare checks and ensuring that all team members are equipped with the necessary knowledge and resources to deliver a world-class service to our customers. Their proactive approach to problem-solving and their commitment to fostering a positive and collaborative work environment has significantly contributed to the success of our operations. We are proud to nominate our Supervising Team for their outstanding contributions and unwavering dedication
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Danny Impey

Company Name
South Western Railway
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Danny has worked tirelessly over the past few years - working hard during the royal coronation and the Royal weddings while battling many personal issues, Danny has always put his best foot forward supporting his colleagues and working hard, Danny is the kind of guy that we all aspire to be when knocked down Danny gets back up learning and developing new strategies to continue to be the best at what he does.
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Jayson Gill

Company Name
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We proudly nominate Jayson Mark Gill for the prestigious Station Person of the Year award in recognition of his outstanding advocacy for station staff and exceptional leadership qualities. Jayson’s commitment to the well-being and success of his colleagues sets him apart as an exemplary team leader deserving of this honour. Advocacy for Station Staff: Jayson has demonstrated unwavering dedication to advocating for the needs and rights of station staff. He consistently listens to his colleagues, addresses their concerns, and actively works towards solutions that benefit everyone. Through his leadership, Jayson has fostered a supportive and inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and respected. Pride in Appearance: Jayson exemplifies professionalism by taking great pride in his appearance. His attention to detail and presentation not only reflects personal integrity but also inspires others to uphold high standards within the station team. By leading by example, Jayson instills a sense of professionalism that positively impacts the entire staff. Caring for Passenger Safety: Jayson’s dedication to passenger safety is unparalleled. He consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that safety protocols are followed diligently. Whether it’s coordinating emergency procedures or implementing safety initiatives, Jayson’s proactive approach significantly enhances the overall safety and experience for station visitors. Improving Union Experience: Recognising the importance of collective representation, Jayson has actively worked to enhance the union experience for his colleagues. He advocates for fair working conditions, improved benefits, and better communication channels. Jayson’s efforts have strengthened unity within the team, empowering each member to voice their concerns and contribute to positive change. Exceptional Team Leader: Jayson Mark Gill embodies the qualities of an exceptional team leader. His leadership style is characterised by empathy, integrity, and a strong commitment to fostering a collaborative work environment. Under his guidance, the station staff has flourished, achieving greater cohesion, productivity, and job satisfaction. In summary, Jayson Mark Gill’s outstanding advocacy for station staff, pride in appearance, commitment to passenger safety, and efforts to improve the union experience make him a deserving candidate for the Station Person of the Year award. His leadership has made a lasting impact on the station community, reflecting his unwavering dedication to excellence and service. We wholeheartedly endorse Jayson Mark Gill for this esteemed recognition.
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Team Haslemere

Company Name
South Western Railway
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
This team is incredible!! Every year they support a number of charity causes and go above and beyond every time. The last event was D-Day and raised £1,000 for charity. They will support any cause within their communities surrounding the station they work at. This year they have decorated their station for Valentines Day, Easter, Kings Coronation, D-Day and Mental Health Week. The team consists of Rail Operators, Gateline Colleagues, Ticket Office colleagues, guard and managers. The Haslemere community love the team and they are constantly praised on the local social media pages. I cannot think of another team that constantly go above and beyond for their customers like they do. The smiles and laughter they just bring on the customers faces makes it all worth while, but they have also raised thousands for different causes every year which is fantastic. Thank you Haslemere for all what you do and good luck - you totally deserve it.
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Tyreece Hewitt

Company Name
Carlisle Support Services
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I can see potential from this young man. He deserves the recognition for his hard work and consistency
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Wedian Rajab

Company Name
South Western Railway
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
I would like to nominate Wedian in recognition of how she is valued by customers and colleagues. The quotations in the section below describe what her team said about her. This is echoed by the station managers she supported who commented how helpful and supportive she is. This shows how she embodies South Western Railway values and behaviours; she seeks to deliver excellence, seeing tasks through, and helping, supporting and developing others. Wedian sees how effective teamwork makes a difference, notices when people need extra support and can be relied upon at all times. She notices when the team needs a boost and acts upon it with her unstinting enthusiasm. She is highly professional, makes suggestions for improvement, but never forgets the importance of fun. She is one of the faces of Staines and a great role with the local community. Wedian is a team worker who supports her team on a regular basis.” “She encourages people to find out answers for themselves while supporting their decisions.” “She listens to colleagues’ problems/issues and offers support.” “She organises team events e.g. Christmas shoes box collection, Macmillan coffee morning.” “She always does her best to ensure tasks are seen through to the end.” “All of this is done with a smile.” “I nominate Wedian for her overall contribution to the team and her helpful attitude towards colleagues.” Wedian is also great at encouraging us to take part in team activities. She strives every day to ensure that despite all the challenges thrown at her she would spend her shift with a smile on her face, making the most out of every day. I don’t think I ever saw Wedian in anything other than a great mood.
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William Ashworth

Company Name
Greater Anglia
Please tell us why you have nominated this individual
Will always gives a 5 star service to every single passenger that passes through our station, he always making children laugh and showing them a little fairy house he helped build on platform 1, and going above and beyond to help passengers. A few months ago we had a passenger that was out of control on our platform not only did the whole team pull together to turn this unsafe situation into a safe one but I feel special praise/acknowledgement needs to be given to Will Ashworth. He was there from start to finish and at one point put himself between the passenger in the scooter and between the approaching train (in a safe way) telling the passenger 'I'm not going to let you do this'. Within 10 minutes Will had the passenger away from the edge in a safe spot and was starting to calm him down and talk him round even though the passenger was quite simply hurling abuse and out of control, and at one point trying to get his stick out his bag to hit Will. This enabled the rest of the team to call signallers, put blocks on line, realise with train crews and most importantly calling the police. Will eventually calmed him down and got him a cup of tea and stayed with him from 13.30 up until the passenger eventually taken away in a police van at 1600. Will even offered to get on the train with the man to PBO however I wouldn't let him do this due to the abuse we had all witnessed. In times like this Will really took control of the situation which enabled the rest of us to get on with our jobs ensuring other passengers' safety. It would be lovely for Will to be recognised in some way for this.
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Recognising Exceptional Dedication to Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility and Net Zero Impact.

The Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Person or Team award celebrates individuals or teams who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to driving positive change in the realm of sustainability, climate action, and achieving net-zero impact.

In an era where environmental concerns are paramount, this award honors those who have taken extraordinary steps to reshape practices, policies, and perspectives, forging a path toward a more sustainable and net-zero future.

Example job titles for this category:

Corporate Strategy, Environment, Regional Community and Sustainability Manager...

You can see all the past winners here.

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